
Annual Report 2014 - Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University

The University's 2014 annual report is an opportunity to take a look at the initiatives carried out by the major governing boards (Board of Directors and Academic Board), departments, research units and offices in 2014. It also provides an overview of key events and of how the University's major projects and development programmes are progressing. Finally, it announces planned actions for 2015 in alignment with the institution's purpose and prospects for the future.

This report is presented to the University Board of Directors and, as in previous years, I wish to share it with all members of our university, both staff and students. I also want to inform our economic partners
and the local and regional authorities who trust and support  our University, of its remarkable achievements.

The policy I have pursued since March 2012, with the support of my team in the president's office, puts staff and students, and a desire for balance and openness, at the centre of every decision. I have therefore chosen to include in this report the elements of graduate education and professional integration, research, innovation and how the products of our research are applied in practice.
The University's international activities and major infrastructure projects are also described in specific sections of this report.

I invite you to read and explore the many noteworthy features of this past year 2014.

Fran?ois-No?l Gilly
President of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
  • Dates
    Published on November 26, 2015